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Person identification#

There are two major approaches to identification:

  1. Direct comparison with one or more references. For each identified reference, multiple images may be supplied.
  2. First performing clustering and then either:
  3. Identifying clusters by comparison with one or more references.
  4. Identifying clusters manually by inspection of prototypical images.

Construction of a face reference library#

A face reference library is simply a directory containing a number of directories, each containing photos containing the face of some individual of interest. Each directory should have a unique name which will be given used as a label for that person. All images should be JPEGs containing exactly one face. For example:

├── bill
│   └── billphoto.jpg
└── ben
    └── benphoto.jpeg

By convention, we can use Wikidata identifiers to identify people:

├── Q230739
│   └── Katie%20Couric%20VF%202012%20Shankbone%202.JPG
├── Q6271597
│   └── Jon%20Snow2.jpg
└── Q929985
    └── Alex%20Trebek%20%28May%2021%2C%202012%29.jpg.jpg

SkelShop can help quickly construct this specific type of reference. For example the above reference can be created by first creating a file people.txt containing:


And then simply running:

$ skelshop iden buildrefs entities people.txt myref wikidata

Embedding your face library in advance#

At your option, you can embed the reference library using skelshop iden embedrefsmyref/ myref.h5. All commands accepting a reference can then be given the output HDF5 file instead of the input directory.

Direct comparison#

Once we have obtained either a full or sparse set of face embeddings, we can identify people in each shot by direct comparison with our reference like so for a sparse embedding dump skelshop iden idsegssparsemyref/ path/to/scenes.csv path/to/sparsefacedump.h5 outputids.csv. Or like so for a full embedding dump: skelshop iden idsegsfullmyref/ path/to/scenes.csv path/to/fullfacedump.h5 outputids.csv.

Making a corpus description file#

Up until now, we have been dealing with commands that process either only a single video at a time, or process information associated with a single video, such as skeleton dumps, at a time. However, when we perform face clustering we would like to deal data from multiple videos. To do this, we need to (usually automatically, e.g. in Snakemake) create a CSV file for our corpus. Here is an example:


Paths in the corpus description file can be absolute or relative. If they are relative, you must pass in --corpus-base at the same time as passing in the CSV file.


The best family of clustering algorithm to use in situations like ours, where clusters of high density are separated by areas of areas of low density are density-based clustering algorithms. The classic density-based clustering algorithm is DBSCAN.

However, the version of DBSCAN included in sklearn has issues with high memory consumption1. sklearn also contains the OPTICS clustering method, which is capable of producing clusterings identical to DBSCAN. Sklearn's OPTICS implementation doesn't have memory consumption issues.

By default sklearn will use its own tree based spacial indexes to accelerate the distance queries underlying DBSCAN like algorithms, however, these indices are unable to deal well with hundreds of thousands of high dimensional vectors, like the face embeddings we are dealing with here. To mitigate this problem, it is possible to first use an library with an accelerated index designed for dealing with large numbers of high dimensional points to construct a (usually approximate) K-nearest-neighbours graph and then run clustering on this2.

Running DBSCAN on a K-nearest-neighbours graph is possible, however DBSCAN is based on radius queries, we we must be careful to pick a high enough K that, most of the time most of the points within the query radius as in the Knn graph. As an added advantage, RNN-DBSCAN3 only has a single parameter, K, which is the theshold of reverse nearest neighbours, but can be though of as the similar to DBSCAN's minPts - 1, making tuning easier. In our case if we take f faces per segment then we can choose this parameter as K = nf - 1 where n is the minimum number of appearances in segments someone should make to be assigned a cluster rather than treated as noise. 2 is a reasonable value for n, and so K = 5 is a good value for RNN-DBSCAN assuming you leave f at its default of 3.

Currently, RNN-DBSCAN with pynndescent is the recommended approach. So the recommended command is: skelshop iden clus fixed--proto-out protos --model-out model.pkl --ann-lib pynndescent --algorithm rnn-dbscan --knn 5 path/to/corpus.description.csv. The --proto-out option gives a path to write prototypes/exemplars from each cluster, usable to align the clusters after-the-fact, while the --model-out option shows where to dump the model, which provides an alternative way of achieving the same thing, as explained in the next section.

Labelling clusters#

There are a three approaches to labelling clusters:

  1. Manual labelling based on saved prototypes
  2. Labelling by comparing a reference to saved prototypes
  3. Labelling by comparing a reference to a saved kNN+clustering model (only supported for pynndescent+RNN-DBSCAN)

In the first case of manual labelling, we usually want to dump the images of the prototypes for each cluster like so: skelshop iden writeprotosprotos path/to/corpus.description.csv path/to/proto/images. You can either install sxiv and use skelshop iden whoisthispath/to/proto/images cluster.identifications.csv to interactively labels the clusters, or manually then use an image viewer to view the cluster prototypes and then create a CSV file cluster.identifications.csv in the following format:


In the second case of prototype-based automatic labelling, we can use: skelshop iden idclusmyref.h5 protos path/to/corpus.description.csv cluster.identifications.csv. Finally, to use a saved RNN-DBSCAN model skelshop iden idrnnclusmyref.h5 model.pkl cluster.identifications.csv.

After completing any of these three approaches, the labelled clusters can then be applied to the clustering outputs to produce a CSV with a mix of identities and clusters like so: skelshop iden applymapclustering.output.csv cluster.identifications.csv outputids.csv.