Reading and writing the formats from your own code#
There are tools to read skeletons and face embeddings from your own code. Here is an example of reading from a tracked skeleton file:
import h5py
from import ShotSegmentedReader
with h5py.File("/path/to/my/skels.h5", "r") as skels_f:
for shot in ShotSegmentedReader(skels_f):
for skel_id, skel in shot:
print(skel_id, skel)
Write a skeleton dump without any shot segmentation. This typically implies that poses are not tracked.
__init__(self, h5f, num_kps=None, **create_kwargs)
Constructs an unsegmented pose writer
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def __init__(self, h5f: h5py.File, num_kps=None, **create_kwargs):
Constructs an unsegmented pose writer
self.h5f = h5f
self.num_kps = num_kps
self.timeline_grp = self.h5f.create_group("/timeline", track_order=True)
self.pose_grps: Dict[int, List[Any]] = {}
self.start_frame = 0
self.create_kwargs = create_kwargs
add_pose(self, frame_num, pose_id, pose)
Add a pose
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def add_pose(self, frame_num: int, pose_id: int, pose: ndarray):
Add a pose
pose_grp, data, indices, indptr, last_frame_num = self._pose_grp(
pose_id, frame_num
new_rows = frame_num - last_frame_num
add_empty_rows_grp(indptr, data, new_rows)
new_data = []
new_indices = []
for limb_idx, limb in get_pose_nz(pose):
if new_data:
grow_ds(data, len(new_data))
grow_ds(indices, len(new_indices))
data[-len(new_data) :] = new_data
indices[-len(new_indices) :] = new_indices
self.pose_grps[pose_id][-1] = frame_num
Ends a shot. This should only be called once at the end of writing.
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def end_shot(self):
Ends a shot. This should only be called once at the end of writing.
self.timeline_grp.attrs["start_frame"] = self.start_frame
timeline_last_frame_num = 0
for pose_grp, data, indices, indptr, last_frame_num in self.pose_grps.values():
add_empty_rows_grp(indptr, data, 1)
pose_grp.attrs["end_frame"] = last_frame_num + 1
timeline_last_frame_num = max(timeline_last_frame_num, last_frame_num)
self.timeline_grp.attrs["end_frame"] = timeline_last_frame_num + 1
start_shot(self, start_frame=0)
Start a shot. This should only be called once at the beginning of writing.
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def start_shot(self, start_frame: int = 0):
Start a shot. This should only be called once at the beginning of writing.
self.start_frame = start_frame
Write a skeleton dump with any shot segmentation. This typically implies that poses are are tracked.
__init__(self, h5f, num_kps=None, **create_kwargs)
Constructs a shot segmented writer
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def __init__(self, h5f: h5py.File, num_kps=None, **create_kwargs):
Constructs a shot segmented writer
self.h5f = h5f
self.num_kps = num_kps
self.h5f.create_group("/timeline", track_order=True)
self.pose_data: Dict[int, Dict[int, ndarray]] = {}
self.pose_starts: Dict[int, int] = {}
self.pose_ends: Dict[int, int] = {}
self.shot_idx = 0
self.shot_start = 0
self.last_frame = 0
self.create_kwargs = create_kwargs
add_pose(self, frame_num, pose_id, pose)
Add a pose
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def add_pose(self, frame_num: int, pose_id: int, pose: ndarray):
Add a pose
if pose_id not in self.pose_data:
self.pose_starts[pose_id] = frame_num
self.pose_data[pose_id] = {}
self.pose_data[pose_id][frame_num] = pose
self.pose_ends[pose_id] = frame_num
self.last_frame = frame_num
End the current shot
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def end_shot(self):
End the current shot
shot_grp = self.h5f.create_group(
f"/timeline/shot{self.shot_idx}", track_order=True
shot_grp.attrs["start_frame"] = self.shot_start
shot_grp.attrs["end_frame"] = self.last_frame + 1
for pose_id, poses in self.pose_data.items():
data: List[ndarray] = []
indices: List[int] = []
indptr: List[int] = []
pose_first_frame = self.pose_starts[pose_id]
pose_last_frame = self.pose_ends[pose_id] + 1
last_frame_num = pose_first_frame - 1
def add_empty_rows(num_rows):
for _ in range(num_rows):
for frame_num, pose in poses.items():
add_empty_rows(frame_num - last_frame_num)
for limb_idx, limb in get_pose_nz(pose):
last_frame_num = frame_num
# Extra empty row to insert final nnz entry
pose_group = create_csr(
pose_group.attrs["start_frame"] = pose_first_frame
pose_group.attrs["end_frame"] = pose_last_frame
self.pose_data = {}
self.shot_idx += 1
self.shot_start = self.last_frame + 1
register_frame(self, frame_num)
Register frame_num as existing within the current shot
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def register_frame(self, frame_num: int):
Register frame_num as existing within the current shot
self.last_frame = frame_num
start_shot(self, start_frame=None)
Start a new shot
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def start_shot(self, start_frame=None):
Start a new shot
if start_frame is not None:
self.shot_start = start_frame
Reads a shot segmented skeleton dump.
__init__(self, h5f, bundle_cls=<class 'skelshop.pose.DumpReaderPoseBundle'>, infinite=False)
Constructs the reader from a HDF5 file and. If infinite
is True, all
shot iterators will terminate with a final empty shot which infinitely
yields empty pose bundles.
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def __init__(self, h5f: h5py.File, bundle_cls=DumpReaderPoseBundle, infinite=False):
Constructs the reader from a HDF5 file and. If `infinite` is True, all
shot iterators will terminate with a final empty shot which infinitely
yields empty pose bundles.
self.h5f = h5f
self.limbs = self.h5f.attrs["limbs"]
assert self.h5f.attrs["fmt_type"] == "trackshots"
self.mk_bundle = partial(bundle_cls, cls=POSE_CLASSES[self.h5f.attrs["mode"]])
self.empty_bundle = self.mk_bundle({})
self.infinite = infinite
Returns a shot iterator of all shots
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def __iter__(self):
Returns a shot iterator of all shots
for shot_idx, shot_name, start_frame, end_frame, mk_shot in self._iter():
yield mk_shot()
iter_from_frame(self, start_frame)
Returns a shot iterator starting from frame 0-index start_frame
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def iter_from_frame(self, start_frame: int):
Returns a shot iterator starting from frame 0-index `start_frame`.
started = False
for (
) in self._iter(start_frame):
if started:
yield mk_shot()
elif shot_start_frame <= start_frame and (
shot_end_frame is None or start_frame < shot_end_frame
yield mk_shot()
started = True
iter_from_shot(self, start_shot)
Returns a shot iterator starting from shot 0-index start_shot
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def iter_from_shot(self, start_shot: int):
Returns a shot iterator starting from shot 0-index `start_shot`.
for shot_idx, shot_name, start_frame, end_frame, mk_shot in self._iter():
if shot_idx >= start_shot:
yield mk_shot()
Reads a non-shot segmented skeleton dump.
Returns a pose bundle iterator of all frames.
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def __iter__(self):
Returns a pose bundle iterator of all frames.
return iter(self.shot_reader)
iter_from(self, start_frame)
Returns a pose bundle iterator starting at frame start_frame
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def iter_from(self, start_frame: int):
Returns a pose bundle iterator starting at frame `start_frame`.
return self.shot_reader.iter_from(start_frame)
A reader for a single shot. Typically this is returned from ShotSegmentedReader.
Returns a pose bundle iterator of all frames.
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def __iter__(self):
Returns a pose bundle iterator of all frames.
return self.iter_from(self.start_frame)
iter_from(self, start_frame)
Returns a pose bundle iterator starting at frame start_frame
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def iter_from(self, start_frame):
Returns a pose bundle iterator starting at frame `start_frame`.
for frame in range(start_frame, self.end_frame):
bundle = {}
for pose_num, start_frame, end_frame, sparse_pose in self.poses:
if start_frame <= frame < end_frame:
row_num = frame - start_frame
bundle[pose_num] = sparse_pose.get_row(row_num)
yield self.mk_bundle(bundle)
Adapter wrapper for readers producing UntrackedDumpReaderPoseBundle such as UnsegmentedReader by default that makes them appear to produce bundles like TrackedDumpReaderPoseBundle.
Adapter wrapper for ShotSegmentedReader to make it act more like an UnsegmentedReader.