Shot segmentors
Currently there are two shot detectors supported: PySceneDetect and ffprobe. They are run manually or through Snakemake.
The results of the shot segmentor must be given whenever within-shot pose tracking is performed.
You can run this at the command line like so:
$ poetry run scenedetect \
--input /path/to/my/video.mp4 \
--output /path/to/my/output/dir \
detect-content \
--min-scene-len 2s\
If you want to run this from your own Snakefile, you can use the wrapper script. Please refer to workflow/rules/skels.smk.
It is recommended to use ffprobe via Snakemake. e.g. if you have a video /path/to/videos/myvideo.mp4
$ poetry run snakemake \
/path/to/dumps/myvideo.ffprobe.scene.txt \
--config \
VIDEO_BASE=/path/to/videos \
If you want to run this from your own Snakefile, you can use the wrapper script. Please refer to workflow/rules/skels.smk.
The black box segmentor#
The black box segmentor runs after tracking, and does not use the video at all. It works by cutting a scene whenever the set of people in the frame change, as according to the output of the tracker. For this reason, in most cases, it will perform significantly worse than the other trackers. Its use is not recommended unless you don't have access to the original video anymore.