Misc. usage examples
Usage examples#
Here are some usage examples. There is more help available through the `--help' flag and on the CLI reference page.
A working OpenPose install is required for dumping (and only for dumping). We could dump some untracked skeletons with a version of OpenPose we have compiled ourselves like so:
LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$OPENPOSE/build/src/openpose/ \
PYTHONPATH=$OPENPOSE/build/python/ \
poetry run python -m skelshop \
dump \
--mode BODY_25 \
video_in.mp4 pose_data.h5
We could also use the Singularity or Docker. OpenPose is installed in the image and everything is setup up for us so we can just run:
$ singularity pull skelshop.sif docker://ghcr.io/frankier/skelshop_nvcaffe
$ singularity exec --nv skelshop.sif python /opt/skelshop/skelshop dump video_in.mp4 pose_data.h5
$ docker run --nv ghcr.io/frankier/skelshop_nvcaffe python /opt/skelshop/skelshop dump video_in.mp4 pose_data.h5
You can track an existing dump using the filter
command with the --track
flag or apply tracking at the same time as dumping. Currently scene
segmentation is expected in this case, which can be done using CSV dumps
generated with PySceneDetect's
CLI. For more information see
the Snakefile
, and the help provided with python skelshop --help
Convert from a zip file containing files named like so: XXXXXXX_0000000NNNNN_keypoints.json
$ poetry run python skelshop conv
Convert from a tar file containing similarly name files in order:
$ poetry run python skelshop conv
Play a video with sticks superimposed (without sound):
$ poetry run python skelshop playsticks pose_data.h5 video_in.mp4 video_out.mp4
Press h/? to see the keyboard controls available in the player.
Dump a video with sticks superimposed (without sound):
$ poetry run python skelshop drawsticks pose_data.h5 video_in.mp4 video_out.mp4